Thank you all for your continuous prayers and support as we traveled through Europe and shared the Gospel through song. It was indeed a life changing experience and I thank God for what He did through the A cappella choir.
This tour was an opportunity to grow in friendship, culture,
and faith. From the Alps to the Baltic Sea and everything in between, our eyes
were opened to the majestic beauty of God’s creation. Time and time again I
found myself speechless at the landscape that lay ahead of me, whether being a peaceful
lake, a peaking mountain, or a city steeped with history. And amidst these
awe-filled wonders lived people just like me, sinners just like me, who need
the message of Salvation. To be a part of God’s plan in that region, even if
only for a brief second, is the thing that will stay with me the most. His
plans transcend our own, and His plan is for ALL people. Thanks again to all
who made this trip possible. We owe it all to you.
-Joel Kaldahl
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
First of all, I am so beyond thankful that the great God was able to take us to Europe and home safely. I am also so thankful for the opportunity that He led us to and through to be His servants and to be carriers of the Gospel in song and action!
For me, this was a brain-molding experience and truly opened my mind to so many new ideas and realizations that I have never known or understood before. It is still so surreal to me the events that actually happened and all of the people, places, and occasions that we witnessed before our very eyes! Words cannot justify the last 24 days!
I will forever cherish the emotions that flooded me in performing God’s praise through musical and vocal expression. The audiences and spaces were truly unforgettable.
Even in the midst of discomfort, God worked through the group of people that traveled on this tour. Whether it was in our witnessing to a number of people of varying culture or them to us, the Holy Spirit was at work.
I pray that our message continues on both in Eastern Europe and also back home in the United States.
I feel beyond blessed that God called us to do this mission work and still allows us to carry His love through memories and experiences for the rest of our lives!
-Shelby Nicole Stolze
This 2013 A Cappella tour far exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I was, of course, impressed with Nancy's attention to travel detail, Lyle's quick wit, and Dr. von Kampen's musicanship. What I did not expect was how GREAT the students would be at their singing, how POSITIVE they would be on even grueling bus rides, and how WELCOMING they were of me from the very beginning of the tour. I could not have eaten my way through a continent with a better group of people. It was a great blessing to be a part of this tour.
-Paul Soulek
The best aspect of this trip for me was the fact that we were sharing the Good News with people from around the world. Not only were we witnessing to the churched, but we were witnessing to a crowd of concert-goers who may or may not be churched. I think one of the most special moment of this entire trip was when we sang in the Pentecost festival. Not only did we experience the essence of Pentecost through the numerous languages, but we again were able to sing praises to God! Another great aspect of the trip was how pastors reminded us why we came. Our purpose for them was to open the doors to some of the most beautiful churches in Europe who's doors remain closed with the absence of a congregation. Hopefully, we put enough of a foot in the doors to keep them open!
-Andrew VanVelson
This trip has really meant a lot to me. I have grown in many different ways. I have grown the most in my faith. It is a once in a life time experience to head overseas to spread the love of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I also have grown in earthly relationships, as well. I have made many new friends and established closer friends. This trip has really made me look at the blessings I have in my life and it reminds me to thank God for these blessings! I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to spread Christ's love on this tour and grow personally! Thanks to all that supported us through this tour!
-David Lindeman
the last 24 days of the A Capella European Choir Tour, God has been working in
some pretty amazing ways! We travelled through Switzerland, France, Germany,
Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. In every country we
sang, and in every church or cathedral we were welcomed with so much joy and
appreciation for the message we were trying to share through our music. We
hoped that through our songs and our actions, the audience could hear and see
the message of Christ’s love and gift of salvation. The songs we sang were all
received in different ways. Some of the audience would cry, some would laugh,
some would clap, and some would smile. But, when the concerts were over and
person after person approached us and thanked us for our wonderful music and
told us how much they loved it, that was when we knew that we had an impact on
someone’s life. God is so good. I can’t even put into words how thankful I am
to be a part of a choir that loves the Lord and strives to live in accordance
to His will. All the glory goes to our Heavenly Father! Lives were touched on
this tour through Him:)
-Helena Dieckhoff
Throughout this trip, I have constantly been reminded of the many blessings that we all have as members of the body of Christ. Not only are we blessed with many gifts which allow us to make beautiful music, we are also blessed to be able to use these gifts to proclaim the Gospel message to all the places we have sang. We have interacted with thousands of people through our concerts. Although we don't know whether everyone who was listening was a believer, our prayer is that the Holy Spirit would work through us and positively impact the faith through the message that was proclaimed. What a blessing it has been to live out our calling as Christians to "make disciples of all nations" by spreading the Gospel message throughout Europe over these past 3 and a half weeks.
-Steven Whitney
This tour has opened many new doors that I never knew existed. From foreign currency to foreign people, there were many differences about this tour. As I look back on the tour I see a large amount of people striving to a larger goal. I see the struggles set in front of them and see how they adjust. I mean, we gave 13 concerts in a row with less than 24 hours in between. You can't say that was one person doing all the work. And the best part was being able I make the adjustments and to be able to say that I am part of this choir, not that I get to go to Europe, or I sang in front of many people, or the fact people came to listen to me. It was a group effort and nothing could have changed that. The experience was great. I will hold onto these memories forever, but I will also remember one thing. I couldn't have done it with out every other person in this choir.
-Luke Kaldahl
Wow what a ride! It is amazing to think that after 24 days, 8 countries, 5 currencies and so many amazing concerts we are at the conclusion. There are so many moments that I will remember from this journey for the rest of my life. It was truly a blessing to be a part of something so great and special that could reach out and share the good news of Jesus Christ! I have enjoyed exploring God's great creation and the ablitiy to share with His people that He has made, whether from a different country or within the choir itself, God's great love. There were certainly times when the Holy Spirit was moving in the hearts of listeners and singers alike. I thank God for such a great blessing and opportunity to glorify His great name, to work with some amazing musicians and people, and to communicate with people that I wouldn't otherewide be able to in such a spectacular and meaningful way, through His word and through the gift of music that He gives. We are small in this great big world, and it really gives a perspective of how big and GREAT out God is! He really has the whole world in His hands.
-Jordan Miller
"Reclaim us if we go astray, You are the Truth, the Life, the Way." It's has been easy for me to become focused on myself during this tour. When not under the influences of Dramamine, I've found myself sitting on the bus, contemplating whether or not I feel like I'm getting the "tour experience," the right souvenirs and pictures, enough growth in friendships, etc. But at ever single concert, both the concerts with very few people and those with overflowing audiences, I have been reminded of the true purpose of this tour. It's not so that I can have a blast seeing the world with friends (although I did) and it's not so that I can post the best pictures on Facebook (which they won't be); the purpose of tour is to share our message of hope with others. At ever concert I have been able to pick out at least one person who was physically moved by our performance. How many more were touched in ways that I couldn't see? It doesn't matter if I can look back on this tour and say it was everything I hoped it would be. God used us to His glory. But in case you're wondering, I do say that I have been changed and blessed by the A Cappella Choir Europe Tour, 2013.
-Adrienne Langewisch
Being a part of the 2013 Europe tour has meant more to me
than I can truly put into words. Seeing The sights like the Eiffel Tower and
The Swiss Alps was amazing, the food was delicious (most the time) :) and
seeing the unique culture and way of life in 8 different countries was unreal!
Most of all though I feel extremely blessed to have been given the
opportunity to sing for all the different people in all sorts of beautiful
churches and to feel the emotion and heart of the choir at our concerts. The
mission that we talked about in our devotions over the tour of proclaiming
God's word and His love through our music is the best gift this tour had to
offer. I truly hope that our words through the work of the Holy Spirit touched
lives throughout this journey!
Also a special thanks to VK, Nancy and Lyle
for all the work and leadership you continually give! :)
-Kassidy Rixstine
Growing up in small town Nebraska, I have not had the chance to see much of the world. I have seen movies, read books, and even traveled to many places within the US, but I have never had the privilege of traveling oversees until this tour. God has used this trip to help open my eyes to not only the overwhelming beauty of His creation (the Swiss Alps and the Baltic Sea), but also to the needs and sufferings of others. After this trip, I hope to do oversee mission work again to bring Christ to these needs. And until then, I feel better equipped now to continue spreading the message of Christ to those God has placed in my life at this time.
-Brianna Ritter
The one word I think of when I look back on this trip is opportunity. Everyday presented itself with new challenges, countless opportunities, and memories that will last a lifetime. In the past 24 days, the A Capella choir has been able to immerse ourselves in 8 cultures with 8 different languages and customs, learn about ourselves and those around us, and share the Gospel of Christ Jesus, our Savior. I have been blessed with a once in a lifetime experience, and I feel that this tour has only been the stepping stone for spreading the Good News and learning more about my place in this big world.
-Kelsey Livingston
-Kelsey Livingston
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